EJFIII Web Design

Realizing your vision online

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Vladimir Kagan Design Group


With such a design history in Vladimir Kagan's portfolio, a complete transformation and expansion of his online presence was needed.  One that allowed easy navigation to the various segments of design while highlighting the designs themselves.  A black background with layers of succeedingly lighter grays ending in full color images proved to be the magic blend.

Except for the large image and logo, page elements are muted so that the image 'pops' off the screen dominating the attention.  Mimicking some features of FLASH, this site offers slowed image transitions with almost every element on screen reacting to the mouse.

PDF tearsheets are only available with a password.  Once provided, all tearsheets may be downloaded for up to one year.  Additionally, the contact form requires a minimum amount of information for submission. To great success, a random text captcha (computer - human challenge question) is included to combat automated form submitting SPAM programs.

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