EJFIII Web Design

Realizing your vision online

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Sun Decor Fabrics


With a couple images smaller than required for The Architects Newspaper, I layered the images to achieve the proper measurements. The result was an eye catching and page dominating advertisement.

A series of black and white advertisements were placed in Metropolis Magazine.  EJFIII Web Design produced and delivered the PDF/X-1a:2001 formatted files required for printing.

Usually coinciding with an event or product introduction, Sun Decor Fabrics produces a postcard highlighting a particular product.  Used more to remind the visitor to look in the mail for more information on the item seen.

Sun Decor Fabrics is a continuing participant in the annual Architectural Digest Home Design Show.  A Press Kit was developed that included a CD of high resolution images and PDF sheets of the products on display.  The CD artwork is included at left while the PDF sheets may be viewed by visiting the link below.